© 2023-2025 Melanie Haynes, All Rights Reserved. Powered by SAFARI.
Privacy Policy
Melanie’s Musical Arts collects user information, on a solely optional basis as part of account registration and as necessary to provide lessons.
Unsolicited E-mail Policy
Melanie’s Musical Arts and our affiliates are avid opponents of unsolicited (“spam”) mail. We only send our newsletters to those who explicitly opt-in to receive updates. If you receive mail that appears to be from us, but you have not requested it, either someone else forged your information and subscribed for you, or the origin of the message should be questioned. We will gladly work with you to fight such abuse. For help, contact abuse@serverforest.com.
Data Deletion
Melanie’s Musical Arts may retain certain user identifiable information for service improvements and service diagnostics. You may request deletion of that data by contacting us at contact@uninetsolutions.com.
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